Network Security
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Network Security
At work and in the office security is of the utmost importance.If you store any customer data then you are surely thinking about security. If you store peoples details even there name and phone number then it better be secure. If peope lose trust in your business, you have lost your business.
Here are a few tips:
- Encrypt your WiFi, your routers and access points do not come secure by default.
- Physically secure equipment and parts. Make sure no one can connect their device and download information or upload a virus or malicious code. M.ake sure no one can connect wirelessly or wired.
- Limit access to shared folders do not just give unlimited access to everyone. Only provide access on a “needs” basis.
- Provide a separate VLAN for your visitors, do not allow direct internet access to your network from the web.
- Mac address filtering.
- 802.1x authentication for wireless and wired networks.